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Re: Expert Day: Suggestion for the next Expert Day

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Joe Ledesma
Frequent Advisor

Expert Day: Suggestion for the next Expert Day

Hello Experts,

Enjoyed this Expert Day.


Suggestion for next time:


* Have the post that announces the expert day, тАЬDec 13th, 2011 Expert Day | HP-UX & Integrity VirtualizationтАЭ, mention that there will actually be a discussion board created for this day. The reason is because at first I and others thought all the questions for the day were to be replies to this one post. Then I found the discussion board, тАЬVirtualization - Experts Online Now!тАЭ.


* Maybe for the post that announces the day, close that post for comments on the actual day and direct people to the discussion board. On reason is so that the questions that went to that post this day can instead be separate posts in the board with different subjects.



Occasional Contributor

Re: Expert Day: Suggestion for the next Expert Day

Hi Joe,


I am glad you found our Expert Day useful!


We will absolutely take these comments into consideration for our next Expert Day.


We will improve the experience as much as the tool lets us, and I really appreciate your participation in this forum.


Best regards,



Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Expert Day: Suggestion for the next Expert Day

>I and others thought all the questions for the day were to be replies to this one post.


I've asked the moderators to split those replies into separate topics.  It should look much better now.

Joe Ledesma
Frequent Advisor

Re: Expert Day: Suggestion for the next Expert Day

@Dennis Handly,
Yes, I saw that and it does look better. Thanks.