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Re: fiber channel error

Charles McCary
Valued Contributor

fiber channel error

oops - stuck this in the wrong queue the first time.


Hi - I received the following error from EMS, has anyone else gotten this error?


Event Time..........: Tue May 21 14:47:13 2002
Severity............: SERIOUS
Monitor.............: dm_TL_adapter
Event #.............: 59
System..............: ppp0101

Adapter at hardware path 0/5/0/0 : Received a Frame Time Out Error

Description of Error:

lbolt value: 638905146

Received Frame Time Out (FTO) error in Outbound,
Completion Message (OCM) for an I/O to the device at
port 0x27 The index of sest entry used is 91

Probable Cause / Recommended Action:

The remote device has stopped responding to I/O requests.
Check the loop to see if the device is still operating on
the loop. Examine the fibre channel device logs for errors.

Additional Event Data:
System IP Address...: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Event Id............: 0x3ceaa44100000000
Monitor Version.....: B.01.00
Event Class.........: I/O
Client Configuration File...........:
Client Configuration File Version...: A.01.00
Qualification criteria met.
Number of events..: 1
Associated OS error log entry id(s):
Additional System Data:
System Model Number.............: 9000/800
OS Version......................: B.11.00
EMS Version.....................: A.03.20
STM Version.....................: A.26.00
Latest information on this event:

v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v D E T A I L S v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v



P.S. This thread has been moevd from General to HP-UX > sysadmin.- Hp Forummoderator

Honored Contributor

Re: fiber channel error

Hi Charles,

Can you provide with some more info
syslog.log - any errors

do an ioscan and find out the status of this card.

Seems to be a FC card error or may be some loose connection. I have recd such errors and after replacing the FC card the problem got solved. But this used to happen for the older versions of FC cards.

What is the frequency of the error. Run the fc_utils also and check.

Charles McCary
Valued Contributor

Re: fiber channel error

Hi - just got off the phone with HP after checking the array and cards and finding no problems. This problem occured during a peak disk usage time and they said this could be due to that and not to worry about it unless we started seeing "escalating" numbers of these errors.


Honored Contributor

Re: fiber channel error

Is it aways the device at port 0x27 ?

I'd keep a close eye on that.

What is the device with loop id hex27 ?

ioscan -fnk | grep 255

Any other servers on the loop experiencing similar warnings?

It works for me (tm)
Andrew R.

Re: fiber channel error

Try increasing the timeout value

#pvchange -t 120 /dev/dsk/c#t#d# (120 seconds)

#pvdisplay -v /dev/dsk/c#t#d#

Good Luck
Live for the infinity life