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Re: HP-UX Customer Survey - Filesystem Usage

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HP Customer Survey
Occasional Contributor

HP-UX Customer Survey - Filesystem Usage

The goal of this survey is to collect information regarding the usage of local and shared filesystems on HP-UX systems. Your feedback is very important to us as HP will be using the data gathered by this survey in future filesystem planning efforts. HP cannot guarantee that any requested filesystem enhancement will be implemented in a future release.

Completed Surveys may be returned to Dave Olker (email:dave.olker@hp.com or fax: 916.748.7389).

The Survey is attached as a word document to this post.

Once completed please reply to this message so we can be sure to assign points to your user profile.

Thanks For your Feedback !

Geoff Wild
Honored Contributor

Re: HP-UX Customer Survey - Filesystem Usage

Survey completed!

Be nice to be just plain text format next time :)

Proverbs 3:5,6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make all your paths straight.
Bryan D. Quinn
Respected Contributor

Re: HP-UX Customer Survey - Filesystem Usage

Survery complete!

HP Customer Survey
Occasional Contributor

Re: HP-UX Customer Survey - Filesystem Usage

Attached is the Text .txt format
Todd McDaniel_1
Honored Contributor

Re: HP-UX Customer Survey - Filesystem Usage

Survey complete! Enjoy!

Unix, the other white meat.
Colin Topliss
Esteemed Contributor

Re: HP-UX Customer Survey - Filesystem Usage

Survey attached, rtf format.

Answers in bold red.

Todd McDaniel_1
Honored Contributor

Re: HP-UX Customer Survey - Filesystem Usage

Hey Colin...

Completed Surveys may be returned to Dave Olker (email:dave.olker@hp.com or fax: 916.748.7389).

no points here...
Unix, the other white meat.
Patrick Wallek
Honored Contributor

Re: HP-UX Customer Survey - Filesystem Usage

Done and sent.

By the way, it is really unnecessary to post to 4 different categories within the same family.
Paula J Frazer-Campbell
Honored Contributor

Re: HP-UX Customer Survey - Filesystem Usage


Done and sent.

If you can spell SysAdmin then you is one - anon
Ganesh Babu
Honored Contributor

Re: HP-UX Customer Survey - Filesystem Usage

Survey Doc Sent..
