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Re: Problem with ulimit on HP-UX 11.11

Sajith Kumar_1
New Member

Problem with ulimit on HP-UX 11.11


I have a problem with process ulimit. There is a backup job scheduled through cron to take backup of Oracle database and observed that the backup process keep failing with an error "Error opening database file". The corresponding Oracle error indicate (in metalink site) this is due to the ulimit value of the client process being lower than the required value.

This problem is not happening every time and noticed that the backup job failed whenever somebody run a "at now" command.

Can anyone help me in finding a solution for this...
Prashant Zanwar_4
Respected Contributor

Re: Problem with ulimit on HP-UX 11.11

You can put
ulimit file unlimited in oracle .profile.

or in .profile of user who runs backup.

Hope this helps


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Re: Problem with ulimit on HP-UX 11.11


When jobs are created using at, in order to create the same shell environment when the job is run, AT automatically appends all of the current environment settings to the job.

This also includes the ulimit value of the shell from which the "at" command is executed.

It is a good practise to set the ulimit value to unlimited in the scripts that does the database export.

Or else set the ulimit value of the shell to unlimited before scheduling the job using at

- Sundar
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Sajith Kumar_1
New Member

Re: Problem with ulimit on HP-UX 11.11

Hi Sundar & Prashant,

Thanks for the immediate respond and the solution.

I was just going through one of the site giving some problem on Oracle tips. They says to load a patch (PHCO_27019 (11.11)
which should make the ulimit values for ksh to unlimited). Could you please give your suggetion on this?

Re: Problem with ulimit on HP-UX 11.11

Have a look at these
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Dennis E. James

Re: Problem with ulimit on HP-UX 11.11

We have experience the same problems in the past with at jobs and oracle. We made the following correction to our .proto file located in /var/adm/cron then stopped and restarted the cron daemon.
# @(#)B.11.11_LR
cd $d
#WTEC workaround for
if [ $l -eq 4194303 ]
ulimit unlimited
ulimit $l
umask $m