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SSH not running and will not restart


SSH not running and will not restart

I am suppose to have SSH running on an rp7400 server yet when I do a ps -ef and grep sshd it returns only the grep.  I then run /sbin/init.d/secsh start  it displays HP-UX Secure Shell started  run ps -ef and grep sshd it returns only the grep again.


any ideas would be much appriciated

Pete Randall
Outstanding Contributor

Re: SSH not running and will not restart

Anything in syslog or dmesg output that would give you a hint?  Check /etc/rc.log to make sure it came up initially, too.

Denver Osborn
Honored Contributor

Re: SSH not running and will not restart

You should also check the /etc/rc.config.d/sshd file.  Confirm that SSHD_START=1 in /etc/rc.config.d/sshd.  If it is set to 0, the secsh init script will not start sshd.


Using "sh -x" when you run the init script should give you a bit more detail to help you troubleshoot.


sh -x /sbin/init.d/secsh start




Steven E. Protter
Exalted Contributor

Re: SSH not running and will not restart



Most of the time when this happens to me (and it does) the sshd configuration file is the culprit.


If that is not the case a set -x near the top of the /sbin/init.d/secsh script will do the diagnosis.


If you reach the diagnosis stage post.


swlist -l product | egrep -i "secure|shell"


Post the swlist ouptut to see if secure shell is properly installed.





Steven E Protter
Owner of ISN Corporation
Sponsor: http://hpux.ws
Twitter: http://twitter.com/hpuxlinux
Founder http://newdatacloud.com

Re: SSH not running and will not restart

Thanks Guys.


Looking at the syslog, when I have attempted to start ssh it has didplayed Error: Bind to port 22 on failed: Address already in use.  fatal: cannot bind any address.


I then ran


aodxap03:syslog(222)# sh -x /sbin/init.d/secsh start

+ PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin

+ export PATH

+ WHAT=HP-UX Secure Shell

+ WHAT_PATH=/opt/ssh/sbin/sshd

+ WHAT_PID=/var/run/sshd.pid

+ WHAT_CONFIG=/etc/rc.config.d/sshd

+ rval=0

+ [ -f /etc/rc.config.d/sshd ]

+ . /etc/rc.config.d/sshd



+ ps -ef

+ grep /opt/ssh/sbin/sshd

+ grep -v grep

+ 1> /dev/null


+ [ 1 -eq 1 -a -x /opt/ssh/sbin/sshd -a 1 -eq 1 ]

+ /opt/ssh/sbin/sshd

+ echo HP-UX Secure Shell started

HP-UX Secure Shell started

+ set_return

+ exit 0

followed by


aodxap03:syslog(223)# swlist -l product | egrep -i "secure|shel"

  Keyshell              B.11.11        Keyshell

  Secure_Shell          A.04.20.004    HP-UX Secure Shell




Pete Randall
Outstanding Contributor

Re: SSH not running and will not restart

From that output it looks like it might have started this time - at least I don't see any errors.  What does ps -ef  |grep ssh return?


Re: SSH not running and will not restart

| grep ssh just returns the grep

Patrick Wallek
Honored Contributor

Re: SSH not running and will not restart

Do you have lsof installed on the system?  If so, run 'lsof -i tcp:22' to see what process is accessing port 22.

Pete Randall
Outstanding Contributor

Re: SSH not running and will not restart

That, by the way, is a pretty old version of Secure Shell.  You might want to consider downloading the current offering (5.80.01):  https://h20392.www2.hp.com/portal/swdepot/try.do?productNumber=T1471AA&lang=EN&cc=EN&hpappid=PDAPI_SWD


Re: SSH not running and will not restart

yes I know it's an old version.  if it ain't broke don't fix it! but it may be time to look at upgrading ssh.