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SSH not running and will not restart


Re: SSH not running and will not restart

sorry I don't have isof installed and I will not be able to install it

Denver Osborn
Honored Contributor

Re: SSH not running and will not restart

lsof would really help to identify what (if any) process is listening on port 22... to at least confirm there is already listener preventing sshd from starting, you can use netstat:


netstat -an | awk '/22.*LISTEN/'


That won't show us what process is listening on the port... just that there is already a listener on that port.


You might try telnet to the port to see if it reports what might be running.


telnet localhost 22


If you see an "SSH-version" string returned when you telnet, then sshd is running.  Trying to start it again on the same port would result in the bind error message logged to the syslog.


Still wouldn't explain why you aren't seeing sshd with 'ps -ef |grep sshd'


Good luck,


Steven E. Protter
Exalted Contributor

Re: SSH not running and will not restart


openssh will update with a simple swinstall command. No need to swremove the old.

Leaving things alone like this is a great way to fail security audits.

People in our job need to be a little more proactive than that. There are major security wholes being found in openssh on a regular basis and this is one of those areas where you want to update periodically.

netstat -an | grep ":22 "

Please post.

swlist -l bundle | grep OE
# Just wondering what operating environment you are running.

Steven E Protter
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