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Re: Survey says....What would you like to see in the next version of HP-UX?

Geoff Wild
Honored Contributor

Survey says....What would you like to see in the next version of HP-UX?

What would you like to see in the next version of HP-UX?

For me, to be able to modify the size of any lvol in vg00 - on the fly. Having to boot to LVM maintenance mode to increase /stand seems almost archaic.

Proverbs 3:5,6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make all your paths straight.
Steven E. Protter
Exalted Contributor

Re: Survey says....What would you like to see in the next version of HP-UX?

I would like to see this:

1) The ability to boot a kernel with /stand as a vxfs filesystem.

2) I would like to be able to run by box with one filesysetm and lvm.

3) Build Mirror/UX into the base OS. It is ridiculous to run a Enterprise Server and not include the ability to set up basic mirroring.

I can go on, but I have a meeting.

With regards to your wish, there are some good reasons why / and other filesystems have to be strict contiguous, but I hear you.

Steven E Protter
Owner of ISN Corporation
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John Poff
Honored Contributor

Re: Survey says....What would you like to see in the next version of HP-UX?

Hi Geoff,

How about having nearly all the kernel parameters be dynamically tunable?

Patrick Wallek
Honored Contributor

Re: Survey says....What would you like to see in the next version of HP-UX?


The solution to that is to make /stand plenty big from the get-go. ;) My standard is 256MB.

I would LOVE to see a truly dynamic kernel so that I can install patches without having to reboot the machine, thus saving the painful downtime requests.

I would like to see the capability for true mirrored-stripes (or is that striped mirrors?) for with LVM, for those of use that still use a significant amount of JBOD.

While not related to HP-UX functionality, I would also like to see HP do away with the per processor licensing for HP-UX. I am not a big fan of that.

Hmm......What else.....I'm sure I'll think of something eventually.
Kevin Wright
Honored Contributor

Re: Survey says....What would you like to see in the next version of HP-UX?

I guess my main thing would be Mirror/UX with the Base OS. A completely dynamic kernel would be great, and they are working on it. Shadow password files by default would be nice too.
Martin Johnson
Honored Contributor

Re: Survey says....What would you like to see in the next version of HP-UX?

I'd like to see Compaq's (formally, DEC's) true cluster technology incorporated into HPUX. Let's have a *REAL* cluster instead of the pitiful excuse for a cluster called MC/ServiceGuard.

Michael Elleby III_1
Trusted Contributor

Re: Survey says....What would you like to see in the next version of HP-UX?


Gotta go with dynamic sizing capabilities of vg00.

Knowledge Is Power
curt larson_1
Honored Contributor

Re: Survey says....What would you like to see in the next version of HP-UX?

those would all be great enhancements. I'd certainly appreciate them, but I won't list them again.

but how about some tools that can handle large files, i.e. how many mega terabytes is the largest file I can create with a 64 bit file system, yet what is the maximum line length in vi. what is the maximum number of fields for awk. what is the largest file i can backup using tar or cpio or pax. how many lines can I tail?

What i'm getting at is file size far out strips the tools for processing files.

how about a shell with modern capabilities, al la ksh93, i.e. ability to pass arrays to functions, associative arrays, subtititute string for pattern (${param/pattern/string}, substring with offset (${param:offset[:length]}, floating point arithmetic, the condiditional operator (?:), postfix and prefix operators (++ and --), pattern matching via character classes ( [:alnum:], [:digit:], etc.), and the string equality operator (==).

John Bolene
Honored Contributor

Re: Survey says....What would you like to see in the next version of HP-UX?

AIX includes online JFS for free, why not HP?

Martin, the True64 clustering will be in the verssion next year.

I want HP-UX on all Intel, not just Itanium.
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Esteemed Contributor

Re: Survey says....What would you like to see in the next version of HP-UX?


I would like to see that the HPUX kernel
will be dynamic, that would be no need
to do compilation and reboot if you
change kernel parameters.
