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Re: Controller can't see the hard disks...

Andrew Kressman
New Member

Controller can't see the hard disks...

we have a Proliant ML530 server with a Compaq smart array 5300 controller in it. We are trying to install Windows NT 4 - and we have obtained the driver CD for this controller but although the installer recognises the controller, it says there are no hard disk present.

What do we need to do to get it to recognise the hard disks?

Thanks for your assistance.
Valued Contributor

Re: Controller can't see the hard disks...

If you still have the integrated controller you will have to change the boot order to boot from the 5300.

With NT4 - there isn't a CPQARRAY2.sys for the install so as the NT CD is running there is a prompt to hit F6 (I think) to install a different hard disk controller. You then give it the location and go about your business.
Martin Breidenbach
Honored Contributor

Re: Controller can't see the hard disks...

Did you:
- disconnect SCSI cable from internal SCSI controller
- connect SCSI cable to Smart 5300
- configure RAID logical drive
- change boot order ?
Andrew Kressman
New Member

Re: Controller can't see the hard disks...

Thanks for the responses. The RAID array is actually already configured and working. It currently has Windows 2000 Server installed on it and will boot quite happily into this.

However, what I am trying to do is wipe the machine and install NT4.

The boot order is correct (I've even tried resetting it in the config), and as I said it'll boot Win2k.

I have downloaded the driver for the 5300 controller and the NT4 installer picks this up and it shows in the list of controllers, along with the ATAPI IDE channel that is already loaded for the CD-ROM. But when I proceed to install, it says it cannot find any hard disks :(

I'm stuck at the moment!!
Alex Khitrik
New Member

Re: Controller can't see the hard disks...

I am having the same problem with my DL380 servers, they run the Integrated Smart Array Controller.

I am looking for the correct SmartStart cd now from which I can go into setup.
david felton
Occasional Contributor

Re: Controller can't see the hard disks...

I have the same problem on a prosignia 720. It works fine when an OS is installed but if I try a manual install, after I get to the bit where I specify additional scsi drivers I get the message no disks can be found. If I install using smart start it works OK.
Any ideas.
david felton
Occasional Contributor

Re: Controller can't see the hard disks...

I have the same problem on a prosignia 720. It works fine when an OS is installed but if I try a manual install, after I get to the bit where I specify additional scsi drivers I get the message no disks can be found. If I install using smart start it works OK.
Any ideas ?
Pat Moore_2
New Member

Re: Controller can't see the hard disks...

On Windows NT 4 do not wait for it to ask you to press F6, press F6 as soon as setup begins to load. You will be prompted to insert your driver disk.
I had this problem installing Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server edition because SmartStart does not have an option to install Terminal Server. Waiting to insert the driver disk does not work.
Andrew Kressman
New Member

Re: Controller can't see the hard disks...

In the end I had to put Windows 2000 on, which worked fine. The problem was NT.

The F6 thing may have worked although I didn't think NT4 had F6 like Win2k does. On NT4 you press S to setup SCSI disks which is what I was trying. It's too late to try now as the server is sorted and back with the customer :)
david felton
Occasional Contributor

Re: Controller can't see the hard disks...

excellent, this worked.