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Re: ML310e Gen8 v2 do not boot, do not pass 20%, have an internal led "orange" (ERRLED1)

Occasional Collector

ML310e Gen8 v2 do not boot, do not pass 20%, have an internal led "orange" (ERRLED1)

  • The server goes through the boot process, and initially, the screen shows 10% progress. Then the screen goes black and reappears again, showing 10% progress reaching up to 20%. However, it goes back to a black screen again at the stage of "Memory and QPI Link Initialization." From this point on, the screen remains black.
  • Within ILO, in the "overview" section, after reaching 20% progress and the screen going black, the description for "Server Power" shows ON and then changes to RESET, then goes back to ON, repeating this loop for random periods.
  • The LED (ERRLED1) located between the processor and the Ethernet port remains lit in orange.
  • I have disconnected all peripherals and tested each RAM memory in each memory slot.
  • I have performed the S6 reset.
  • I have tested with another power supply to rule out any issues.

Any help, thanks.



Re: ML310e Gen8 v2 do not boot, do not pass 20%, have an internal led "orange" (ERRLED1)

Hi @TamayoJJ,
Good day!

Thank you for the post and the detailed information.

Have you tried using the Redundant ROM?
You can change it through the BIOS or the iLO GUI. 
Additionally, you could try resetting the BIOS and restoring it to factory defaults. 

As a last resort, we can consider replacing the System Board.

Thank you

I work for HPE.
[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]

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Re: ML310e Gen8 v2 do not boot, do not pass 20%, have an internal led "orange" (

Thanks for all ideas!!!!!

If iLo can't enter, in this model is possible to enter without processor to the web interface?or serial? to see all configuration? 

Becasuse the bios don't inform the processor model in 20%, is possible to run diagnosis before loading?