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ML310e Gen8 v2 do not boot, do not pass 20%, have an internal led "orange" (ERRLED1)

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ML310e Gen8 v2 do not boot, do not pass 20%, have an internal led "orange" (ERRLED1)

Hello everyone! After working without any issues for a long time, I needed to move the server within the rack. To do that, I had to disconnect it and reconnect it. However, once I did that, the server didn't start up, and the symptoms are as follows:

  • ILO 4 starts up without any problems, and I even updated it to version 2.82.
  • The server goes through the boot process, and initially, the screen shows 10% progress. Then the screen goes black and reappears again, showing 10% progress reaching up to 20%. However, it goes back to a black screen again at the stage of "Memory and QPI Link Initialization." From this point on, the screen remains black.
  • Within ILO, in the "overview" section, after reaching 20% progress and the screen going black, the description for "Server Power" shows ON and then changes to RESET, then goes back to ON, repeating this loop for random periods.
  • The LED (ERRLED1) located between the processor and the Ethernet port remains lit in orange.
  • I have disconnected all peripherals and tested each RAM memory in each memory slot.
  • I have performed the S6 reset.
  • I have tested with another power supply to rule out any issues.
  • I have tried to update the motherboard's BIOS, but I can only do it through ILO, and when I try to load the file, it doesn't recognize it. I downloaded the BIOS from this link: I have extracted the file and tried to load it in various ways with different extensions, but I haven't been successful. Any suggestions regarding this?

The strangest thing is that technically we haven't changed any components of the equipment. Has anyone experienced something similar? Any suggestions?

Thank you very much!


Re: ML310e Gen8 v2 do not boot, do not pass 20%, have an internal led "orange" (


You may clear the server's NVRAM and see if that helps.

For this, power off the server, remove the power cables from the power supply and remove the access panel.

  • Please refer to item 17 of the System board components diagram on page 67 of the HPE ProLiant ML310e Gen8 v2 Server's Maintenance and Service Guide for the location of "System maintenance switch".
  • Once identified, set system maintenance switch position 6 to the 'On' position.
  • Then connect the power cable and power on the server.
  • Once you see a message indicating that a system maintenance switch has been set to 'On' position, then power off the server, remvoe the power cables and then reverse the switch's position.
  • Then replace the access panel, connect the power cables and power on the server.


I work for HPE
Views expressed herein are my personal opinion and are not the views of HPE

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Re: ML310e Gen8 v2 do not boot, do not pass 20%, have an internal led "orange" (

Unfortunately, the message "Once you see a message indicating that a system maintenance switch has been set to 'On' position, then power off the server, remove the power cables and then reverse the switch's position" does not appear. It reaches the beginning of 20%, and then the screen goes black again. And from there, it does not come back. Any other suggestions?


Re: ML310e Gen8 v2 do not boot, do not pass 20%, have an internal led "orange" (

Hi @Chelupulus,


Good day!


Thank you for the Post and for details information.


May I know if you have tried to use Redundant ROM - you may change it from BIOS or iLO GUI.


Apart from this you can try Reset BIOS and Restore BIOS to factory defaults.


As last option we can try replacing the System Board.

Thank you


I work for HPE.
[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]

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Re: ML310e Gen8 v2 do not boot, do not pass 20%, have an internal led "orange" (

Saludos, encontraste alguna soluci├│n sobre el tema?

Hi, did you find any solution on the issue?

Google Translated

Hi, did you find any solution on the issue?

Hi, did you find any solution on the issue?


Re: ML310e Gen8 v2 do not boot, do not pass 20%, have an internal led "orange" (

Hello @TamayoJJ,

Thank you for writing to us! 

Since you have posted in an old topic and there is no response yet, we would recommend you create a new topic using the create "New Discussion" button if you are facing any issues, so the experts can check and assist you further.

Sunitha G
I'm an HPE employee.
[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]
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