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Re: Reset hard disk "read errors" counter

New Member

Reset hard disk "read errors" counter


Is there any way to reset the "read errors" counter for a standard SCSI hard drive ?
I'm using the "HP System Management Homepage".

My system is an HP ML350 G4 running Windows 2003 Server.


Roy Main
Valued Contributor

Re: Reset hard disk "read errors" counter

Is there a reason you would like to do this?

Removing or resetting these errors could make it more difficult to troubleshoot your drive and the state of the disk array in the future.
New Member

Re: Reset hard disk "read errors" counter

> Is there a reason you would like to do this?

yes, I've changed the faulty drive and the couter is still blocked at "14". As my monitoring solution is monitoring this value, it is still saying that there is something wrong with the disk.

Roy Main
Valued Contributor

Re: Reset hard disk "read errors" counter

The errors travel with the drive. So, a new drive will have a new counter.

Where are you seeing these errors?
New Member

Re: Reset hard disk "read errors" counter

> Where are you seeing these errors?

I used to see it under :
HP System Management Home page --> Storage --> SCSI Controller Port 1 on System Board --> Disk SCSI ID 0 --> Drive Statistics --> Hard Read Errors = 14

But when I look at it now, there is no more disk under "Storage --> SCSI Controller Port 1 on System Board", there is just the controller.

There might be something wrong with the HP Insight software ...