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Re: Can not log into System Management Homepage

Timothy LaGrant
Occasional Contributor

Can not log into System Management Homepage

I am tryin gto log on for the first time and no matter what accoung I use from the Administrators group it continually states Login Failed.

I have also created an account especially for HP Sims with the change password a next login unchecked.

Any thoughts?
Rich Purvis
Honored Contributor

Re: Can not log into System Management Homepage

You might try using the domain as part of your login credentials - this is especially true if the server you are trying to login to is a Domain Controller. For example instead of using "Administrator" you can use "domain\Administrator".

Why does my tivo keep recording Nickelodeon?
John Considine
Occasional Advisor

Re: Can not log into System Management Homepage

HP Sim uses the domain accounts to log onto the SIM Server, try logging on with your own user credentials or a domain admin aacount
Valued Contributor

Re: Can not log into System Management Homepage

I suspect you are using the version of SMH that uses operating system authentication. This can be confirmed by the USER field being blank to start with and the software version at the right bottom corner saying "HP System Management Homepage V2...". This being the case try the local Administrator account as the Administrators group is configured as standard.

If the user field is actually a pull down choice of administrator, operator or user then you have the original HTTP Server 5.96 or below version that used specifically configured passwords. The way around this is to overwrite the settings using either a HP System Insight Management Server or running the customer pack for the older version of SMH and configure during installation.

Good Luck, Dave.
Regards, Dave