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Re: PMP : No record found with log enable

Regular Advisor

PMP : No record found with log enable


I have the following issue. I see previous topics but the answer was to enable Log (what i've already did)

On my ESX,in the PMP configuration page, i check Log for one of my VM (in the Log Columm, the case is Check for the VW and for the ESX). In the Performance status page, the log case is mark as enabled

But after 4 days, i still have "no record found" for reports.

Trusted Contributor

Re: PMP : No record found with log enable

You can verify the actual status by going through pmplog.txt, a file in PMP installation path. If this file is not there, you can create an empty file with the same name & PMP will populate that. To have a clearer picture you can retstart PMP service after creating this file.

Regular Advisor

Re: PMP : No record found with log enable


I have already crated this log.
What i see :
26 13:03:18: OpenConnection failed.
2008-03-26 13:03:18: Error = 5
2008-03-26 13:03:18: Message = Erreur non sp├Г┬йcifi├Г┬йe
2008-03-26 13:03:18: Description = Impossible d'ouvrir la base de donn├Г┬йes 'PMP_v3_0' demand├Г┬йe par la connexion. La connexion a ├Г┬йchou├Г┬й.
It's in French, but it 'says : Unable to open the database 'PMP_v3_0' requested by the connection. The connection failed.

I've just install PMP, and add server in Options > PMP Option > Configuration.

Thanks for your support
Regular Advisor

Re: PMP : No record found with log enable

In the pmplog, i'seen :
2008-03-26 13:47:28: ExecuteQuery failed.
2008-03-26 13:47:28: Error = 7
2008-03-26 13:47:28: Message = IDispatch error #3079
2008-03-26 13:47:28: Description = Converting a data type CHAR in type DATETIME gave a value out of bounds date and time.
2008-03-26 13:47:28: Query = Update Server_Status SET End_time = '2008-03-26 13:47:28' where end_time is null and pmp_device_key = '35'
2008-03-26 13:47:28: u3antv05 - Logging suspended
For each loggin device, it's the same : the logging is suspend > so no report ....

Another point, for each device i have those lines
There is no Authorized WMI user for the system: > What does it mean ?

Regular Advisor

Re: PMP : No record found with log enable


Someone had the same problem (refer to my previous topic and the pmplog.txt)
