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Re: System Mangement Homepage

Clayton Baker_1
New Member

System Mangement Homepage

I have a small issue...I brought online a new server running 2003, I installed it with the Smart Start cd version 7.3
Aftfer it was all done and said and the server was fully updated all the way to Microsoft, I promoted this server to a Domain Controller.
The problem...I now can not log into the System Management Homepage. Since this was loaded under a member server status, it ran from the local administrative login which now no longer exists.
What can I do to resolve this?
PS, I tried to copy the acl file but no luck, I also restarted all of the HP related services.
Whats next?


 P.S.This thread has been moved from ITRC server mgmt (Insight Manager 7) Forum to ITRC HP Systems Insight Manager Forum- HP Forums Moderator

Rich Purvis
Honored Contributor

Re: System Mangement Homepage

Once you promoted it the server to a DC it requires that you use the domain name as part of the login credential. For example when you login instead of using "Administrator" you would need to use "domainname/Administrator" where domainname is the name of your domain. I would try that and see if you are able to login.

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David Lawy
Occasional Advisor

Re: System Mangement Homepage

If you are still having problems simply re-install the SMH module and it will request which user profiles you want as administrators.