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HPE provides an update on its Sustainable IT capabilities coming from HPE Services

AdobeStock_282223409_800_0_72_RGB.jpgHPE provides an update on its Sustainable IT capabilities coming from its HPE Services brand. with this press announcement (link below).

HPE Services is unique in being able to address each and every aspect of sustainable IT. No other single vendor can offer the same capabilities as comprehensively.

As its principal writer, supporting content producer, and someone that has been involved with IT energy efficiency since an HPE acquisition of a data center design/engineering company some 16 years ago, it's very gratifying to see sustainable IT finally being a prime driver of IT strategy rather than an incremental gain from other modernization activities.

There are several principles I have identified from the vendor side with equal applicability on the client side.

  1. Leadership counts. Since taking her position as VP and GM of HPE Services - advisory and professional services, Sue Preston has made it clear advocacy is not enough. Sustainable IT is a driving force in the business plan. Client IT leadership should have the same. It should be embedded in strategic modernization, not just be a "bonus outcome" of it.
  2. Follow the workload. HPE Services has built the capability to do so. Most IT effort focuses on technology and the data center, or more recently estimating future data capacity to build into technology projections or aaS policy determinations. Addressing workload and application modernization is yielding higher results of identifying carbon equivalent emission reduction than both IT equipment and data center reductions. The analysts we have spoken to are loving this. Clients should lead with workload modernization identification and let that drive the technology strategy.
  3. HPE Services, including HPE Financial Services and education services, have built a comprehensive capability across all aspects of the lifecycle of the IT operating model. This means HPE Services can work with clients across transformation, operation, and technology end-of-use. At the same time HPE Services also addresses all facets: IT and business sustainable IT strategy consulting alignment, road-mapping, strategy implementation, IT operations, and the circular economy. I personally believe clients would have to work with a business/IT sustainability consulting firm, a technology vendor, including financial asset management, and a data center facility design and engineering firm to match what HPE Services can offer

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Jagger is a content creator and narrator on the Digital Transformation topic for HPE Pointnext Services. He adds further focus on container and SAP topics. He holds an honors degree in economics, an associate degree in social psychology, and a master's in marketing. He is also a Chartered Marketer with the Chartered Institute of Marketing